Berawal hanya iseng-iseng belaka untuk bikin sebuah desain-desain apa saja yang ingin dibuat seperti desain T-shirt, Sweater, dan Sticker (logo). Hemmm tentang skill? yaa skill cuma otodidak aja denger-denger cara membuatnya dari temen dan saling share aplikasi untuk membuatnya, setelah sedikit agak mengerti disitulah mulai mencoba-coba walaupun jelek yaaaa itu kan baru belajar belum pro tapi lumayan lah hihi.
Contoh desaign Logo :
Ini sebuah logo dari sebuah kelompok perkumpulan muda mudi yang bernama "DOWNGROVE CREW" crew ini memang belum bisa dibilang EO tapi tahun lalu event yang dibuat crew ini cukup meriah & menarik.
Contoh T-shirt (Raglan) :
Contoh T-shirt :
Itu sebagian contoh yang telah gue buat namun ini hanya sedikit share yang bisa gue posting
disini karena cukup banyak desaign yang engga bisa gue posting semua.
"Peringatan! no copas (copy paste) bila ingin belajar membuat desaign ini bisa kirim ke e-mail"
Are we alone tonight,
Is there no one here?
What have we become,
In these passing years,
In the night friendships form,
In the day only some do last,
Are we here tonight to save grace, or are we here to forget the past?
I'm standing in the dark, my mind is racing, Up all night, we are chasing, The stars are never too far away, Up all night to see the sun another day.
Remember the friens who did anything to stay,
Remember the ones who made you pay.
Remember that I am here for you,
Remember that these words are true.
The love is coming back, and..
I'm standing in the dark, my mind is racing, Up all night, we are chasing, The stars are never too far away, Up all night to see the sun another day.
I'm standing in the dark, my mind is racing, Up all night, we are chasing, The stars are never too far away, Up all night to see the sun another day.
Secondhand Serenade - your call
It's song lyrics :
Fall for you
The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting
Could it be that we have been this way before
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core
But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find
This is not what I intended
I always swore to you I'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may have failed
But I have loved you from the start
But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
It's impossible
So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in
I'm yours to keep
And hold onto your words
Cause talk is cheap
And remember me tonight
When your asleep
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find
Entah kenapa kehidupan gue sangat rumit dari kehidupan di keluarga maupun dalam berhubungan dengan orang lain, apa salah gue? apa tingkah laku gue salah? iya menurut gue seperti itu tapi semua sudah gue perbaiki dalam kehidupan keluarga gue yang telah lama gue harapkan namun tergapai juga, mungkin setelah permasalahan dan pertikaian yang dahulu terjadi ya? iya mungkin, namun gue masih kurang cukup puas karena gue belum bisa membahagiakan mereka berdua sebagaimana mereka membahagiakan gue
Hemmm.. Satu lagi permasalan dalam kehidupan gue tentang berhubungan dengan orang, gue sudah niat berubah untuk menjalin hubungan serius namun entah kenapa selalu ada masalah yang membuat hubungan menjadi sangat rumit, gue berusaha menasehati dan menyadarkan namun tidak sedikit pun tersadar bahwa yang dia lakukan salah, mungkin itu salah satu kesenangan dia dalam bertingkah laku? mungkin, tapi waktu terus berjalan tidak mungkin sifat itu harus ada dan di pertahankan, kalau saja didunia ini bisa bertukar posisi gue ingin lo merasakan apa yang gue rasakan ini karena semua yang gue rasakan tidak bisa diungkapkan atau ditulis supaya dia merasakan, dan akhirnya gue menyerah untuk membuat dia tersadar.
"untuk yang merasa semoga cepet sadar yah, orang yang pernah lo bilang jahat semua itu perhatian sama lo tapi apa timbal balik lo? apa lo perhatiin balik dengan baik? jangan bertingkah seenaknya, bila mau bebas lo harus bisa terima resikonya dan ngorbanin perhatian orang terhadap lo!"
In the car I just can't wait,
to pick you up on our very first date
Is it cool if I hold your hand?
Is it wrong if I think it's lame to dance?
Do you like my stupid hair?
Would you guess that I didn't know what to wear?
I'm too scared of what you think
You make me nervous so I really can't eat
Let's go, don't wait, this night's almost over
Honest, let's make this night last forever
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever
When you smile, I melt inside
I'm not worthy for a minute of your time
I really wish it was only me and you
I'm jealous of everybody in the room
Please don't look at me with those eyes
Please don't hint that you're capable of lies
I dread the thought of our very first kiss
A Target that I'm probably gonna miss
Let's go,don't wait, this night's almost over
Honest, let's make this night last forever
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever
Let's go, don't wait, this night's almost over
Honest, let's make, this night last forever
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever
Forever and ever, let's make this last forever
Blink 182 - I miss you
It's song lyrics :
Hello there, the angel from my nightmare the shadow in the background of the morgue the unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley we can live like Jack and Sally if we want where you can always find me we'll have Halloween on Christmas and in the night we'll wish this never ends we'll wish this never ends
(I miss you, miss you) (I miss you, miss you)
Where are you and I'm so sorry I cannot sleep, I cannot dream tonight I need somebody and always this sick strange darkness comes creeping on so haunting every time and as I stared I counted webs from all the spiders catching things and eating their insides like indecision to call you and hear your voice of treason will you come home and stop this pain tonight stop this pain tonight
Don't waste your time on me you're already the voice inside my head (I miss you, miss you) don't waste your time on me you're already the voice inside my head (I miss you, miss you)
Don't waste your time on me you're already the voice inside my head (I miss you, miss you) don't waste your time on me you're already the voice inside my head (I miss you, miss you)
Don't waste your time on me you're already the voice inside my head (I miss you, miss you) don't waste your time on me you're already the voice inside my head (I miss you, miss you)
(I miss you, miss you) (I miss you, miss you) (I miss you, miss you) (I miss you, miss you)
Sebuah kisah tentang kisah manusia super tapi bertingkah laku sangat bodoh dan tidak seperti superhero yang biasanya, mungkin pembuatnya juga bloon tapi dikit haha bela diri, Pernah denger gga supaer hero kepalanya kardus? ada juga spongebob square pants itu malah lebih bodoh kelakuannya dari pada komik asal-asalan gue ini, pahlawan berkepala kotak itu menggangap dirinya paling kuat padahal diketok kepalanya juga gepeng karena terbuat dari kardus apalagi kalo lagi bertarung cuacanya malah turun hujan bisa robek tuh kepala gara-gara hujan secara gitu "kardus mau kuat" MIMPI hahaha. Kalo yang kedua seorang perempuan yang belekan yang males ngaca buat bersihin beleknya sendiri dan dia pun setiap hari kerjanya nanya sama orang dan buat masalah untuk nanya sebuah belek yang dimata dia sudah bersih atau belum, sekarang pakai logika aja nih ya : lo mau sewaktu-waktu ketemu orang kaya gitu? hahaha kalo gue males banget deh hahaha jijay.
Tunggu aksi super hero lainnya dalam bentuk komik : " CIAAAAAAATTTTTTT "
Justwanted to sayhappyanniversaryofthe9 months,does not feelup to 9monthseven thoughthe situationwasalsocomplicatedit may beatemptationto havea relationshipof thegodwhowas testinghis servantwiththe trials ofsojust enjoythesetrialsthere may bewisdom behinditall,andoneanother, while manysaid that ifIdo notrememberthatonedaythisbigboy&girl,Ijust do notwant to arguewith anyoneincluding himself,sowhena lot of peopleout therewhosaywhatI do notcareone bitbecausetheyknowanythingaboutmyrelationship?knowwhat?whoknowonlyme,him,andgod.
Hanya ingin mengucapkan happy anniversary yang ke 9 bulan, tidak terasa sampai 9 bulan juga walau keadaan sedang rumit mungkin itu suatu cobaan memiliki suatu hubungan dari tuhan yang sedang menguji hambanya dengan cobaan-cobaan jadi nikmati saja cobaan tersebut mungkin ada hikmah dibalik ini semua, dan satu lagi walau banyak yang bilang kalau saya tidak ingat dengan hari ini itu salah besar boy & girl, saya cuma tidak ingin berdebat dengan siapa pun termasuk dirinya, jadi bila banyak orang yang berkata apa diluar sana saya tidak peduli sedikit pun karena mereka tau apa tentang hubungan gue? tau apa? yang tau hanya gue, dia, dan tuhan.